What math is used in construction?

Geometry, algebra and trigonometry play a crucial role in architectural design. Architects apply these mathematical forms to plan their initial plans or sketches. They also calculate the likelihood that the construction team will have problems bringing the three-dimensional design vision to life. The construction management program does not require you to study any specific mathematical unit. However, there is some kind of mathematics that underpins much of the work that goes on in the construction industry.

From designing a building on site to calculating quantities and costs, from determining the proportions of floor space to ordering materials, there is a great deal of practical everyday arithmetic and mathematics. These web pages will help you manage some of these things. It will be especially useful if you didn't study math much at school or if it was some time ago. Over 300 videos on how to be a successful contractor.

Ellen Straatmans
Ellen Straatmans

Internet junkie. General social media nerd. Lifelong twitter evangelist. Hardcore food maven. General pizza aficionado.

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