Do roofers ever fall?

This is the leading cause of death in the construction industry. According to OSHA's Protecting Roofing Workers publication, falls account for about 34% of deaths. No matter what you believe, they don't want to use it. If they apply, they will simply go to work for another roofing company that will not apply fall protection. The fact that every roofer is not safe not only endangers the lives of their workers, affecting their families, but it also makes us all look like idiots.

This is one of the most uncomfortable and unsafe-looking types of roofers I've seen in my life. From frame manufacturers to roofers to welders, no one wears mandatory safety equipment on everyone else States.

Ellen Straatmans
Ellen Straatmans

Internet junkie. General social media nerd. Lifelong twitter evangelist. Hardcore food maven. General pizza aficionado.

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